To borrow materials from the library, patrons must register by completing an application, providing their name, place of residence, telephone number, email address, place of employment, and birth date if under the age of eighteen. The applicant must show proof of residence with a current driver’s license or if none is available a current bill or bank statement. These include utility bills, telephone or cell phone bills, credit card bills, mortgage bills, or rent receipts.
Parents must sign the application for a child's card until the child is 16 years old. Parents signing this card agree: 1) they are responsible for maintaining the physical condition of the materials checked out by their children including loss, damage, or overdue; and 2) they are responsible for monitoring the appropriateness of materials their children check out.
Parents: Please bring your ID and an official piece of mail with your current address when signing up for a library card for your child.
The Russell Public Library established under KSA 12-1220 et. seq. is established to provide for the educational, informational, and recreational needs of the people in the community and the surrounding area. It supports and encourages life-long learning with special emphasis on educational activities for pre-school children and out-of-school adults. It supports cooperation among all types of libraries in all parts of the state of Kansas.
1. The library will endeavor to collect and provide information on the concerns of every person in the community.
2. The library will provide opportunities for life-long learning through materials and reference assistants.
3. The library will seek to fulfill every request made by library patrons to the extent that it is possible. Whether it be through interlibrary loan or securing the services of the Central Kansas Library System or purchasing materials that may be used by the whole community.
4. The library will procure materials specifically suited to the needs of pre-school children.
5. The library will endeavor to provide programming for all ages but with an emphasis on preschool and school-aged children, including a story hour and a summer reading program.
6. The library will encourage out-of-school adults by providing information on crafts, mechanics, etc., and information of a general nature.
Trustee Policy - Time and Place of Regular Meetings:
The Russell Public Library board will meet in regular meetings on the third Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. in the library. All meetings are open to the public unless a special executive session is called in addition to the regular meeting. Special meetings may be called at the request of the Chairman of the Board and/or the Library Director/Librarian. Board members who miss three (3) consecutive Board Meetings will resign at the request of the Board.
Library Services Offered
The following are the services of the Russell Public Library: circulation of books, audiobooks, and periodicals. Other services include reference, interlibrary loan, rotating books, large print books, laminating, sending faxes, making copies, scanning and emailing documents, AV equipment loan, microfilm reader/printer, gaming, county newspapers on microfilm, and services for the blind and physically handicapped.
Lending - Who May Borrow:
The library will serve all residents of Russell County. Other Kansas residents will be extended borrowing privileges on a non-fee basis upon request.
To borrow materials from the library, patrons must register by completing an application, and providing their name, place of residence, telephone number, email address, and place of employment. A local reference must be provided when requested.
Parents must sign the application for a child's card until the child is 16 years old. Parents signing this card agree: 1) they are responsible for maintaining the physical condition of the materials checked out by their children including loss, damage, or overdue; and 2) they are responsible for monitoring the appropriateness of materials their children check out.
Borrower's cards are nontransferable and must be presented when checking out materials. To borrow materials from the library, patrons must register by completing an application, providing their name, place of residence, telephone number, email address, place of employment, and birth date if under the age of eighteen. The applicant must show proof of residence with a current driver’s license or if none is available a current bill or bank statement. These include utility bills, telephone or cell phone bills, credit card bills, mortgage bills, or rent receipts. The patron will then receive their new library card and a copy of the Patron Code of Conduct.
Material Exclusion from Loan
The library will not loan reference materials that are specially marked "Reference". Reels of microfilm (the library’s as well as borrowed reels) must be used in the library by adult patrons only.
Book Reserve
The library will reserve library materials for patrons and hold the materials for five (5) days. The patron will be notified by phone, and/or email when the materials are first available.
Loan Limits
There is no limit on how many books, or audiobooks, may be checked out at one time. Video games may only be checked out one (1) at a time per adult patron. DVDs may only be checked out five (5) at a time per adult patron and one (1) at a time per juvenile patron. Library cardholders are responsible for any damage or loss with respect to any items they check out. The library may restrict from time to time the number of materials that any one person may check out.
Length of Loan Period
The library will check out books, audiobooks, and CDs for a three-week period. Library materials may be renewed if there is not a hold or reserve placed on the material. The first renewal can be made over the phone. However, the material(s) must be presented for future renewals. Video games and DVDs may be checked out for one week with no renewals.
Library Audio Visual Equipment
The library has several pieces of audiovisual equipment which may be checked out for a maximum 3-day period with a $25 damage and security deposit. These include a projection screen and a digital projector. Upon the safe return of the equipment, the deposit will be refunded to the patron. When audiovisual equipment is needed for library purposes, it cannot be checked out.
Book Return Services
The library provides a book return in the rear of the library to accommodate patrons who need to return materials when the library is not open. Video games and DVDs must be returned to the library’s circulation desk.
Library Use Charges (Over dues)
The library will not charge for overdue materials.
Charges for Lost or Damaged Materials
All library patrons will be responsible for the books they have in their possession. Patrons will be charged for negligent damage to library materials. If the item(s) is lost or damaged beyond repair, the charge will be the cost of the material(s) as recorded in the automation system. If no cost is listed, the replacement price will be $20.00.
The library upholds Kansas Statutes Annotated 21-3702 which states, “Failure to return library materials within thirty days following the overdue notice will constitute intent to deprive the library of public property and constitute grounds for prosecution for misdemeanor theft.”
Loss of Library Borrowing Privileges
To curtail material losses, any patron who has five or more overdue items or one long lost item will lose his borrowing privileges until one of two conditions have been met: 1) the return of the overdue/lost items or 2) the payment of replacement costs and processing fees have been made.
In order to provide a suitable environment for use of the library, the following forms of conduct are not permitted in the library or on library property.
1. Loud conversation that is disturbing to people in reading/study areas.
2. Abusive or obscene language.
3. Sitting on tables; and/or blocking or interfering with individuals.
4. Loitering with no intent to use library services.
5. Children and adults in the library without shoes and shirts.
6. Animals in the library except for working dogs or for use in programs authorized by Library Director.
7. Use of tobacco products.
8. Consumption of alcoholic beverages or illegal substances.
9. Consumption of food or beverages in the building, except in staff areas or by permission of the Director.
10. Soliciting, surveying, selling of any kind, political campaigning, or distribution of leaflets not specifically approved by library administration.
11. Theft, mutilation, and defacement of library property, including building, grounds, equipment, restrooms, and other materials.
12. Running or other disorderly conduct in the library.
13. Unless attending library programs, children aged eight and under, not accompanied by a responsible adult or caregiver, age 12 or older.
14. Refusal to leave the library at designated closing times.
15.. Harassment or invasion of privacy of library employees or patrons.
16. Sexual contact, exhibitionism, or abuse of any kind to another person, such as but not limited to physically harming, threatening, or disturbing other patrons or staff and/or passing to staff or patrons of undesirable, suggestive, profane, or objectionable materials is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
17. Violation of posted computer guidelines.
18. Violating the library’s guidelines on photography and video recording in the library.
19. Emits a foul odor that impedes the use of the library by patrons or impedes the ability of library staff to conduct the business of the library.
A person violating any of the above actions will, after warning by library personnel, be asked to leave the premises. A person who persists in the disapproved conduct, and who refuses to leave the building and grounds when requested will be reported to the police.
Unattended Children
Children 8 years of age and younger may not be left unattended in the Library. Children 8 years of age and younger shall at all times be attended to and supervised by a responsible adult (parent, guardian, other caregivers, age 13 years or older). Children of the above-cited age must be accompanied by an adult when in the restroom, multi-purpose room, or lobby of the Library. Children 12 years of age and younger may use the Library for no more than 3 hours provided that they can maintain appropriate Library behavior.
No public place, including the library, can guarantee the safety of children. Parents are responsible for their behavior. If a child becomes anxious or disruptive, the staff will call the child’s parent or caregiver. It is the responsibility of the parent or caregiver to be accessible to pick up the child at any time.
Older children and adolescents who come to the Library without a parent, guardian, or caregiver are welcome for appropriate use of the Library, such as homework, reading, or computer use. All children must have the telephone number of their parent, guardian, or other designated adult so that a responsible adult may be contacted, if necessary, to come and pick up the child. The child must have a way for the staff to contact the parent or caregiver at all times when they are left unattended in the library. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated and may serve as the grounds for the removal of the child from Library property.
Disruptive behavior that is unacceptable in the Library includes, but is not limited to:
If necessary the Library reserves the right to summon the police.
This document outlines the guidelines for the public use of children's department computers for preschool and elementary school-age children and the public use of young adult room computers for children in middle school and high school.
1. The computers in the children’s department are intended for use by preschool through elementary-age children. Children 8 years of age and younger may not be left unattended in the Library. Children 8 years of age and younger shall at all times be attended to and supervised by a responsible adult (parent, guardian, other caregivers, age 13 or older.) This included when in the restroom, multi-purpose room, or lobby of the library. Children 9 to 12 years of age may use the Library for no more than 3 hours provided they can maintain appropriate Library behavior.
2. Children under the age of three years old will not be allowed on a computer without supervision by an adult caregiver. An adult caregiver or a responsible older sibling at least 12 years of age must accompany preschool children. Kindergarteners and 1st and 2nd graders may play without parental supervision if they can do so without staff intervention. If they need help reading or following directions, adults or older responsible siblings must sit with them. Children must be registered patrons of the Russell Public Library.
3. Computer use is limited to thirty minutes per child if another patron is waiting to use it. A computer use limit of sixty minutes per day will be enforced.
4. Please check in at the children's circulation desk when it is the child's turn to use a computer.
5. The use of the computer is limited to two children at a time.
6. Misbehavior will mean being asked to leave. Misbehavior includes but is not limited to, loud voices and/or rowdy behavior, too many people at a computer, or abuse of computer equipment.
7. Computer times will begin when the library opens and will end thirty minutes before closing time. Computers may be turned off during special library programming or at the direction of library staff.
Security Camera Policy
The Russell Public Library strives to maintain a safe and secure environment for staff and patrons. In pursuit of this objective, the library premises are equipped with video cameras. The library’s video security system shall be used only for the protection and safety of patrons, employees, property, and to assist law enforcement. The system is intended to complement and not replace other library security procedures.
The Security Camera System is a closed network of cameras utilized to capture images and transmit them for display on a limited number of monitors.
1. Only the director is authorized to access or operate the video security system. Reproduction or storage of images is restricted to the director. Access to reviewing stored images is limited to the library director. Access to viewing live images is limited to the library director and library staff. Still shots or portions of video may be shown to other staff members for security purposes.
2. Reasonable efforts shall be made to safeguard the privacy of patrons and employees.
3. Except for records retained for criminal, safety, or security investigations, the library will not maintain a copy of recordings for longer than the recording cycle.
4. In an emergency, the director may provide remote access to the security system to the Russell Police Department or Russell County Sheriff’s Department for the duration of the emergency.
5. The director may use a still shot or portions of the recorded data to request a law enforcement review for assessing a security risk or investigating a crime.
6. For investigations initiated by law enforcement agencies, recorded data will be made available to law enforcement upon the presentation of a valid court order. Only the director will be authorized to release images to law enforcement.
7. The digital video recorder and recorded data shall be considered confidential and maintained securely.
8. The system is not to be used for live monitoring unless there is a significant rule violation or security situation.
9. Signage shall be posted to inform the public of the presence of security cameras.
Any complaint should be completed in writing and presented to the librarian and then presented to the library board. The complainant shall have the opportunity to present their complaint to the board. Each grievance will be handled on an individual basis.
Holidays Observed by Closing
The library will be closed in observance of the following holidays: New Year's Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Presidents' Day, Juneteenth, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Day, and Christmas Day. When a holiday falls on a Friday, the library will be closed that day and on the following Saturday. Should a holiday fall on Sunday, the library observes the holiday on the following day, Monday.
The above information does not cover all of the Russell Public Library's policies. The complete Russell Public Library Policy Manual is available at the Library.
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